
Monday, 19 November 2012

MMM - "Vellum"

Today sees week 3 of my guest designer slot over at the Make My Monday challenge blog.

A U T U M N    S U P P L I E S
with the weekly challenge being to use

Now I don't wish to shock but I have gone CAS ...yes you heard right Clean and Simple ...ME!!!!  
Also another change is the fact I have used a DL sized card.  My sentiment is on vellum from a K&Co sayings book - which I have simply mounted onto Bazzill card.

The leaves were stamped direct onto the card and then stamped again onto vellum, which I then embossed and layered onto the card - only using adhesive down the middle of the leaves.  I like how the edges have turned up.  Silk flowers from Marianne Design  completed this simple card for me.....

Suzanne ~x~


Jacqueline said...

A beautiful card Suzanne - you do CAS very well you know! - Jacqueline xx

Suzi B said...

A gorgeous CAS card Suze. love the delicate shade of the leaves.
Suzi B xx

Fliss said...

Just gorgeous Suz and although you don't normally do CAS maybe you should do it more often as I love it!
Hugs, Fliss xx

Cazro said...

Take a chill pill Suzanne I am sure you will recover from CAS. I love the simplicity of your card for the MMM challenge. Hope you and yours are well. Caz

chriscesar said...

Such a beautiful CAS Suzanne! Perhaps do some a time or an other, it fits you well!

Mynn xx said...

Gorgeous and very well done in CAS, Suzanne! LOVE the quote--and the fern leaves are the perfect accent! Just beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

thats so beautiful card!
Hello from Elma

Anonymous said...

thats so beautiful
Hello from Elma

chriscesar said...

Please Suzanne, will you one of this days tell us who are the top three of time keeping challenge? Difficult , isn't it?

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